
Business Listings

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Craft Centres & Shops


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The Craft Kabin

Alkrington Village Craft Market

Alkrington Community Centre Kirkway, Hardfield Road, Middleton, M24 1TR

The Haberdashery

8 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL16 1LU

Janets Cards

The Pottery, LawFlat

The Barn, LawFlat, Wardle, Rochdale, OL12 9LD

The Star Tree Studio

42 Victoria Street, Littleborough, OL15 9DB

Signature Designs

Stall 72 Heywood Market, York Street, Heywood, OL10 1LT

Craft Delights

So Northern Creative Art Studios


Craft Cottage

Wardle, Rochdale, OL12 9JZ

The Yarn Corner

Stalls 73 & 74 Heywood Market, York Street, Heywood, OL10 1LT

Thimbles Haberdashery

17 Harehill Road, Littleborough, OL15 9AD

Buttons Haberdashery

Stall 6 Heywood Market, York Street, Heywood, OL10 1LT



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David Kennedy
Fresh Consultants - Liverpool

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