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Event: Free fishing event in Rochdale

Sunday 24 July 2016
10.00am - 3.00pm

Meet at the canal behind the Hopwood Arms Pub
M24 2RE


Canal & River Trust, the charity which cares for 2,000 miles of waterways across England and Wales, is holding a series of free fishing events in the Rochdale area to celebrate National Fishing Month.

‘Go Fish!’ is being organised by the charity and local angling club partners to offer families a chance to try their hand at fishing and discover Rochdale Canal. Attendees have the opportunity to reserve a free starter kit and receive guidance from a professional fishing coach.

Fishing is a universal sport: anyone can do it, at any time. It can be enjoyed throughout the year, on a warm summer’s day or a crisp winter’s morning by the water. It can provide an escape from the pressures of everyday life and a way to relax and unwind whilst re-connecting with your natural surroundings.

Free fishing starter kits which can be reserved online and a limited number will be given away on a first come first served basis at the events.