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Event: Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs pantomime

Wednesday 22 February 2017 - Saturday 25 February 2017
7.15pm each night & Sat Matinee @ 2.15pm

St Gabriel's RC Primary School
Vicarage Road South
OL11 2TN


Annual village pantomime involving over 30 local children and member of St Gabriel's ADMS.

Village pantomimes began in St Gabriel’s Primary School in Castleton forty years ago.

Any child from Junior One, up to those in the senior high school can be in the Panto. Grown ups play the principal parts and children provide the magic.

What benefits can the pantomime claim over all these years? Children love to perform in front of an audience, and the Panto gives them the opportunity. It also helps their self confidence, and it teaches them that team work is a good thing. Lasting friendships have been made over the years and many happy memories made that will never be forgotten. These special qualities bring about community cohesion which is vitally important for our well being especially in a small village like Castleton.

Entry fee: £6 Adults £4 Concessions

Contact: Anne Ingham
01706 353184