
Local Election 2008

Linda  Robinson

Linda Robinson

Labour Party
Hopwood Hall Ward

12 Banff Grove
OL10 3RQ

Local elections are about local issues, local concerns and local matters. In these local elections, I stand on my record of hard work in the local community and of supporting the residents of Hopwood, Birch, Gladewood, Hollin, St. James, Plum Mill and Pot Hall.

  • Heavy goods vehicles coming through Hopwood are a big problem. That’s why Labour called a well-attended public meeting in February for Hopwood residents to look at some options in trying to curb this problem. I worked to have the lorry gate built at Hareshill Rd to stop heavy lorries coming via Hopwood to go to Heywood Industrial Estate.
  • I gave full support to the Before and After School Club at Hopwood Primary School and out of our ward councillor funds; we have provided money and support for the continuation of Siddal Moor Play Group.
  • At long last, we have now been able to sort out the road on Farm Street.
  • I successfully campaigned for alley gates in many parts of the ward to give residents better security: Hopwood, Pot Hall, Egerton Street, St. James’ Area.
  • I secured funding for new benches and goal posts at Hopwood Rec.
  • Out of our ward funds, we are allocating more money for the Pot Hall/Egerton St area – these funds will be spent according to what local residents want.
  • I listened to local residents in Hollin and Gladewood about the new multi-sports pitch and now it will be away from residents’ homes and still give great facilities to local young people.
  • I supported residents of Sherbourne Road in getting new homes to replace the old “Orlit” houses.
  • I currently chair the Hollin Police & Community Together Forum, working hard with local residents and Police to reduce crime in the area.
  • I worked for new traffic lights and lanes at the Hollin Lane/Rochdale Rd junction to reduce the number of lorries coming down Hollin Lane going to Stakehill.
  • I supported Hollin residents in their battle with United Utilities last year after they had left pavements and verges in a mess.
  • I supported local residents opposed to landfill at Hareshill Rd and opposed to the extension of Coronation Ave Service Station.
  • I support local groups in the ward in their community activities: Hollin Estate Management Board, St. James Tenants & Residents, Pot Hall Tenants & Residents and Heywood Against Landfill.
  • I hold 48 advice surgeries per year – more than any other councillor in the borough, and keep in touch with residents via our monthly councillor’s report leaflet.
  • I recognise there is still a lot of work to do in the ward, such as securing funding for road improvements that are badly needed in many areas.
  • Many Heywood parents are angry about not being able to get their child in a Heywood Secondary School this year. This is because the Rochdale Lib-Dem council has cut places at our new Holy Family High School. In contrast, I have been campaigning for extra places at the school and I thank the many Heywood residents who have signed my petition.
  • I am opposed to fortnightly bin collections. Since the Rochdale Lib-Dems imposed them on Heywood last year, many Heywood residents are still having problems. Middleton residents have not yet had the misfortune of fortnightly bin collections, but they are due to be imposed in Middleton shortly. Labour will restore the weekly collection of household waste and what’s more it will be cheaper – currently the Lib Dems are spending up to £16,000 extra per week of your money on agency staff and vehicles just to empty the bins.
  • I am opposed to congestion charging for motorists travelling into Manchester. I believe we will sort out the issue of congestion by having reliable and affordable public transport and not by hammering motorists.
  • Finally, I believe the true value of a society is in the way it treats its most vulnerable members. That’s why I am appalled at the Lib Dem cuts in Adult Care Services, which harm many vulnerable disabled people. I have fought for our elderly and most vulnerable people to ensure they get the care they need and are entitled to; and that they are treated with respect and dignity.

    Regardless of which party you normally support, I would respectfully ask for your vote on May 1st so that I may continue to work for all residents of Hopwood Hall Ward.

    Many thanks for kindly taking the time to read my “pitch” on Rochdale Online.


Local Election 2008
