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Event: Edenfield Road Surgery holds Cancer Awareness Month

Monday 20 August 2018
1.00pm - 3.00pm

Edenfield Road Surgery
Cutgate Shopping Precinct
Edenfield Road
OL11 5AQ


Edenfield Road Surgery is holding a Cancer Awareness Month during August – as part of the NHS 70th birthday celebrations.

The Cancer Awareness Month kicked off this Monday 6 August with a visit by Cancer Research UK’s Cancer Awareness Nurse Nassreen Hearne who was on hand to talk to visitors about how they can help reduce their cancer risk. She also gave out information about how to help spot cancer early – when it is more likely to be treated successfully.

Visitors could handle a tar jar to see the effect smoking 10 cigarettes a day for a year or hold specially created “fat lumps” to show just how much difference losing 1lb or 5lbs makes.

There was also the chance to take a Smokerlyzer® test which shows how much carbon monoxide is in someone’s breath, the opportunity to have waist measurements and to take information leaflets away.

Members of the public could also take part in the Prevention Game - an interactive quiz for the public to find out how they can reduce their cancer risk.

The awareness event continues next week when a lung cancer expert visit the surgery on Monday 13 August followed by a breast cancer expert on 20 August.

Dr Bodrul Alam, a GP and cancer care lead at Edenfield Road Surgery, said: “We hope our Cancer Awareness Month will help people understand more about cancer as well as the screening available.”

Edenfield Road Surgery, in Cutgate Shopping Precinct, Edenfield Road, will hold events every Monday between approximately 1pm and 3pm in August.

01706 344125