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Event: Norden Naughty Elf Hunt

Wednesday 02 December 2020 - Thursday 31 December 2020
Any day, any time

Norden Village


New this year - the Norden Naughty Elf Hunt! Hosted by Whittaker Moss Primary School and PTA.

Word is, The Grinch is about! So Santa has sent 14 elves on a special recon mission around Norden village.

Twinkle has made it to the Co-Op, but the other 13 have gone missing! Can you find them all? Rumour has it, they like messing about in our shop windows!

Between the 2nd and 31st December, find as many as you can - then hand in your form to either Norden Co-Op or Carousel Cards for a special treat!

If you find all 13, rearrange the first letters of their names, and find something else associated with Christmas to be added to a bonus prize draw - and don't forget to vote for your favourite.

All local children are welcome to take part. Entry Forms are available from 2nd December from Catherine’s Café, Carousel Cards, or Norden Post Office. Entry is just £3 each.

Entry fee: £3 each