
Local Election 2016

Angela  Coric

Angela Coric

Liberal Democrat Party
Milkstone & Deeplish Ward

I am both delighted and honoured to be standing for election in Milkstone and Deeplish Ward again.

I was proud to have previously represented and served the people of Milkstone and Deeplish for 18 unbroken years, a Ward in which I have lived all my life and which is dear to my heart.

Since coming off the Council in 2010, I have continued to be stopped by local residents when I am out and about asking me when I am going to return. I’ve never really been away from local politics – just a little less active – mainly due to helping with caring for an elderly couple who were family friends but who have now passed away. Recent events and increased requests from residents for help has made the decision to return to active politics that much easier.

People tell me that they are fed up and feel let down by their current Labour Councillors.

When I look at the state of our once proud Town, I truly despair. You only have to take a walk around our area to know how much Labour have neglected us and let us down:

  • Residents want safe clean streets free from litter and our pavements and roads free from pot holes. I back the sensible Liberal Democrat manifesto commitment to put the Townships in charge of sorting this. By raising extra money through sharing Council Services with other authorities and investing in our Townships, we can get to grips with the neglect. I applaud and respect the efforts by local volunteers such as the REAG (Rochdale Environmental Action Group) to clean up our areas, but I also believe that the Council should be more proactive in assisting such groups. 
  • I also back the Liberal Democrat plan to get rid of the Police and Crime Commissioner. This has been a failed experiment and costs Greater Manchester Police an estimated £5 million per year. Politics should not be at the top of policing and I’m sorry to say that our area is far less safe since the current Commissioner – a former Labour MP and “old boy” – took charge. This has led to politically motivated decision making at the top of our Police Force. Liberal Democrats would scrap this and invest the money in front line policing. We need more bobbies on the beat and more help with tackling drug problems within our area.
  • Labour have forced a recycling regime that is clearly not working and this has led to mass dumping of rubbish right across the Ward. We really need to review this and listen to the local residents. 
  • Our young people are crying out for investment in services. Our young people deserve the best as they are our future and should therefore be equipped the right skills and qualifications to set them on the right path.

As a lifelong resident of Milkstone and Deeplish, I am no stranger to the area and I share the worries and concerns of local residents.

The priorities of Milkstone and Deeplish residents are my priorities too.

Therefore, if elected I can assure you that I will do my best to ensure that our area receives its fair share of Council funds.

I am committed to Milkstone and Deeplish Ward and its residents.

Unlike the other candidates, I do not live in Milnrow, Healey or Balderstone and am therefore the only true local candidate – the only one who lives in the ward and knows it best!

Local Election 2016
