
Local Election 2022

Sajid  Hashmi

Sajid Hashmi

Liberal Democrat Party
Castleton Ward

I am asking for your support for the local elections. I am not a politician, but as a Castleton resident I really wanted to make a difference, as Castleton has been ignored. I will work tirelessly for our village.

Currently, I am working as a Charity Management Consultant, as the treasurer for Royal Air Force Cadets 1263 Rochdale Squadron and a Governor for the Virtual School (for looked after children), I have served as a governor of Matthew Moss High school. I am also foster carer for Rochdale Council. I was awarded and MBE for services to the voluntary sector. I enjoy golf and model trains.

Children & Young People - As a parent and a Foster Carer I have seen how children Young people have been ignored. They are our future I work to ensure they have leisure activities support for better education and access to Jobs.

Castleton businesses - I will ensure support for our local shops and business without this our village will die. We need continuous development and regeneration. Train and bus services need to be improved.

Crime - I will work on addressing issues of Anti Social behaviour, Crime, speeding through the village.

Track Record

  • Worked with Bury Council to set up and develop Bury VCFA to support voluntary and Community Action.
  • Served as. member of the governing Council for Keele University
  • Appointed by the minister of Local government on to the Stoke City Transition Board a body to oversee Stoke City Council during special measures.
  • Appointed by Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Race Equality, Community Policy and Civil Renewal to the Community Cohesion Panel producing the report “The End of Parallel Lives?” in response to public disturbances in northern towns.
  • Member of the panel that produced the Funding Diversification Report ‘Believing in Local Action’, which was commissioned by the Dept for Communities and Local Government
  • Served as Chair of the Race Working Party a body that advised Rochdale Council on community cohesion and equalities issues.

Local Election 2022
