
Local Election 2008

Ben Robertson

Labour Party
Bamford Ward

15 Camberley Drive
OL11 4AZ

I am currently the Norden and Bamford Youth Councillor and now I want to make the step up to being a Councillor for the Bamford Ward.

I am only 19, and being so young gives me a fantastic advantage. I see all the issues from a new perspective and I am not afraid to ask questions about the structures that we have in place. I believe that Bamford has an amazing opportunity to elect a candidate who is prepared to be a strong local voice on local issues. Having lived here most of my life and being the Chair of School Councils at Bamford Primary and Oulder Hill Community School, I am committed to doing my up most to make Bamford better.

My plans for Bamford would ensure that we continue to improve life here.

I would:

  • Stop the expansion of building developments in Bamford.
  • Bamford is a pretty, green, family area and we need to do our up most to keep it as desirable as it is today.
  • Provide facilities for Young People + Children
  • Make sure that Bamford gets Youth Facilities it deserves. More playgrounds and youth clubs are needed to improve Young Peoples standard of living and also to make Bamford safer from youth nuisance.
  • Repair our paths, pavements and roads.

If we are to encourage our young and old people to get more active, we need pavements that are safe to walk on. Our paths need to well lit and clear from rubbish and mud. Our roads need to be surface well so we look ahead rather than at potholes.

The Labour Party may differ from me on some national issues. But here in Bamford they are 100% behind my work, in the past and the future.

Their support is giving me the opportunity to tackle the issues and make a real difference to this area.

If elected on 1 May, I will make history as Bamford's youngest ever Councillor. I want to make history in Bamford by making it an area to be proud of.

Vote to make history.

Local Election 2008
