
Local Election 2014

Stephanie   Mills

Stephanie Mills

Conservative Party
Littleborough Lakeside Ward

A true Littleborough/Lancashire lass – born, bred and educated within the locality – having attended Smithybridge PrImary School and then Littleborough High School.

Following my education I worked in the NHS at the (then) highly respected and popular Birch Hill Hospital. At this time I also started my own business which has empowered me with great transferable skills – essential when dealing with Ward issues.

I have an excellent record in attendance at Authority meetings and expressing views and proposals for the good of Littleborough about which I am passionate and heartfelt.
Outside Council life, I am a member of Friends of Hollingworth Lake, Littleborough Neighbourhood Forum, Hare Hill House Interim Management Committee, Pennine Business and Tourism Forum. Very recently I have been invited to participate in the new tourism initiative via Pennine Prospects which will be of great benefit to the community of Littleborough and the South Pennines which will help to create jobs in the future.

Over the past few months there have been some very challenging issues – particularly in planning – whereby inspite of the views and wishes of the local community – these issues have been pushed through by Labour members.

However, I will continue to work as hard as ever in the future to represent the community of Littleborough for the best benefits and good of all concerned. I am always available to receive, listen and take up any complaints or suggestions forthcoming. So, please, on Thursday 22nd May, 2014, when you vote, re-elect me to enable this vital work for the ‘love of Littleborough’ to be carried on.

Local Election 2014
