Piethorne Valley

Routes around Ogden

First route

The first route around Ogden, the most southerly reservoir in the valley, is an easy stroll round the expanse of water and past the ruin of Rag Hole Farm.

Ogden reservoir was commissioned in 1878 to collect water from Wickenhall Brook to provide drinking water for Oldham.

Rag Hole Farm in the 1850s was a thriving farmstead probably growing rye and barley.

Second route

The second trail goes round both Kitcliffe and Piethorne reservoirs and by-passes the Bluebell Wood nature reserve where beech, rowan and sycamore trees have been planted, providing valuable habitat for wild animals sheltering off the high moor.

Third route

The third route is the most southerly, keeping on the road past all three reservoirs, the route commences opposite the dam on Hanging Lees reservoir.

This walk takes you past Rooden reservoir, one of the deepest reservoirs at 79ft.

Both the villages of Lower and Upper Ogden contain houses built from local grindstone dating back to 1710.

On the high moor above Ogden Edge there are many different breeds of sheep, all very hardy to cope with the climate changes on the Pennines.

Contact Information

Piethorne Valley

Waterworks Road
OL16 3TD

Where we are

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