Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes 150th meeting held 19th September 2017

Minutes of the 150th meeting held 19th September 2017 at Hare Hill House Starting at 7.30pm


Present: Ian Jackson; Julian Farnell; Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John F Kay, Bob Weatherley,

Apologies for absence from Cllr Ann Stott, Keith Hallam, Jon Stopp and Janet Emsley

Minutes of the last meeting were discussed and used as agenda items for this meeting.


Littleborough Civic Trust

IJ updated the meeting on the Civic Trust

JFK as treasurer of Littleborough Civic Trust confirmed that the sum of £1,779.82 was held in the account on behalf of LCDG


Canal & River Trust

IJ informed the meeting that the Tow Path Task Force was now operational. They have planted wild flowers and almost completed the stone wall at Ealees which had fallen into disrepair some 25 years ago.

More of their work is now concentrating of the Rochdale Canal

Anyone wishing to join the Tow Path Task Force should contact IJ on


Café Boat Scheme

The mooring application to C&RT, has received approval “in principle” and copies of their letter of confirmation were distributed.

We will now prepare and submit an application for planning permission from Rochdale MBC

Julian Farnell has been in touch with the planning office who are very supportive. He will download the forms and complete the same with help from IJ and JFK

This will be submitted as soon as it is ready.


The application will cover

  1. A plan of the site which has already been prepared by Nick Andrews
  2. The fact we have no need for a supply of either Electricity or Water
  3. An+
  4. y deliveries can be made from the public road and car park
  5. Refuse disposal will be by means of a Skip on the adjoining land
  6. Any “grey water” will be collected in a dedicated contained and disposed of either in the sewage system in the adjoining building or at the sanitary station at Schofield Street
  7. Arrangements have been made for staff to use the toilet facilities at Julian Farnell’s garage.
  8. The business will be exclusively “take away” and so there is no requirement to provide toilet facilities for the public.

Work on the boat will start shortly. It is planned to move it to the site at Schofield Street where to hull can be renovated and the boat can then be moved under cover for fitting out.

There were now several volunteers to help with this work

The information for the insurance proposal was provided. The boat is strictly not to be used for competitive water skiing !

A press release has been prepared and JFK will now submit this to Rochdale Online


Akzo Nobel Site

It had been reported that someone has accessed the site to carry out some work. No further information is available


Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 17th October 2017

Tuesday 21st November 2017

Tuesday 16th January 2018



Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF