Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes meeting Tuesday 21st July 2015 No. 126

Minutes of a meeting of the Members of

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Held at the United Reform Church, Victoria Street Littleborough

On Tuesday 21st July 2015 at 7.30pm


John F Kay – in the chair

Bob Furnell

Gordon Gardiner

Bob Weatherly

Cllr Ann Stott

Keith Hallam (for part)

Brian Holden (for part)


Apologies   Ian Jackson, Barry Horner



  1. JFK had misplaced the minutes from the meeting on 16th June 2015. (Copy now attached)
    1. JFK is still working on papers for a CIO. No copy of the constitution has been found and so he will proceed with a new set of Objects
    2. Gez Wood will shortly leave RMBC. He is Bob Weatherly’s next door neighbour. At present we have no office of RMBC responsible for matters affecting Rochdale canal
  2. Littleborough Neighbourhood Forum
    1.  JFK explained that the analysis of the well supported questionnaire was currently awaited. This would be a useful document even it the forum did not proceed further
  3. Tour Boat Scheme
    1. Bob Furnell and Bob Weatherley will visit Pickwell & Arnold boatyard near Hebden Bridge with a copy of the Survey Report to see how much it will cost to make the boat fit for insurance and licensing purposes
    2. The boat has been painted and graphics will now be added by Lindsey.
    3. Bob Weatherley was trying to get information about a small tour boat operated by Grantham Canal Society. We may be able to learn from their experience
    4. Richard Greenwood of “Storm” has provided an old photograph of a building adjoining the canal at Durn. This was discussed with interest
    5. Bob Furnell is in touch with a lady who wants to rent the yard at Ealees from Boys Developments to run a Canalside café.  We will support such a venture but are uncertain whether this will be financially viable over 3 year period as proposed. Bob will invite her to the next meeting
  4. Adopt a Canal Scheme
    1. Work near Lock 47 was going well.
    2. Application to adopt the Ealees length of the canal would be made soon
    3. JFK is in touch with Garry Taylor who may be interested in a Canalside investment. JFK has emailed Wayne Poole at RMBC about this and now awaits a response.
  5. Akzo Nobel Site  - Nothing to report
  6. Rochdale Canal Society – Nothing to report
  7. Any other business  - None
  8. Date of Next Meeting   Tuesday 18th August 2015

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF