Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of 109th meeting on 21st January 2014


Minutes of 109th meeting on 21st January 2014

Present: Peter Evans (Chairman), Brian Holden. Barry Horner, John F Kay, Ian Gerrard, Cllr Ann Stott
Apologies: Keith Hallam, Helen Evans

The meeting stood for 1 minutes silence to remember with gratitude the work of the late Roger Davis

1. Minutes of November 2013 meeting (no. 108) were not available but there were no matters of significance

2. Durn Marina. Deferred to item 8

3. Littleborough Volunteer Lengthsman Scheme
3.1 It was discussed whether the group should rejoin the IWA and invite a speaker to a subsequent meeting to enlighten us on their objectives. Brian Holden provided contact details.

4. Akzo Nobel
4.1 The public meeting at Littleborough Community School at 6.15pm on Monday 27th January 2014 was discussed at some length.
4.2 It is understood that this will now be chaired by Michael Garraway and that he and other officers of the Council will draw up the agenda.
4.3 It was felt that the purpose of the meeting should be made clear at the beginning of the meeting and that time should be managed so that all members of the public who wished to speak could do so.
4.4 The meeting instructed the Vice-Chairman to contact Michael Garraway to say that the group felt the object of the meeting was “to establish the truth about the condition of the site “

5. The Tour De France Littleborough festivals.
5.1An overview of the various activities which were being arranged between 28th June and 29th July was read.
5.2 It was hoped that there would be a canal festival on Sunday 13th July 2014 to coincide with the Littleborough Farmers Market. Enquires will be made and Brian Holden and Barry Horner were asked to take the idea to the next meeting of Rochdale Canal Society

6. The Roch River Valley Park Project
6.1 The Vice Chairman had attended a meeting of the Project Group that afternoon
6.2 It was important that this group compile a list of Littleborough Project which could be used to support this project. At present the officers were calling Littleborough aspirations “Littleborough Waterside” which was a name not recognised by the members. We need to set out details of projects such as Littleborough Marina.
6.3 There has for some time been concern about the manner in which cyclists use the tow path of the canal. It is now clear that there will be increased promotion of cycle routes and that IWA has come out in support. Some control is needed similar to the Highway Code

7. Next meetings: Tuesdays 15th February 2014, 18th March 2014 and 15th April 2014.
All at 19.30h in United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF