Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of 156th meeting held 17th April 2018

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Minutes of the 156th meeting held Tuesday 17th April 2018 at Hare Hill House Starting at 7.30pm

Present:  Julian Farnell, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, Ian Jackson, John F Kay, Bob Weatherley

Apologies, Cllr Janet Emsley, Cllr Ann Stott

Minutes of the meeting on 20th March 2018 had been circulated and were approved

Littleborough Civic Trust

John Kay as treasurer of Littleborough Civic Trust confirmed that after payment of the fee on the planning application the sum of £1,317.82 was held in the account on behalf of LCDG.

Canal & River Trust

Anyone wishing to join the Tow Path Task Force should contact Ian Jackson on

Several members of the LCDG Committee will be attending a meeting of the Users Forum later this week

Café Boat Scheme

  1. Planning Application

The mooring application to C&RT which received approval “in principle” had extended the date for a response to 1st June 2018 in the light of the difficulties in gaining access to the Schofield Street building and submitting the planning application

The planning application was validated by the Council on 8th March 2018 and now has a determination deadline of 1st May 2018

Four members of the public have submitted comment. These were considered by the meeting as well as the response which John Kay has submitted. It was agreed that concerns about competition and the conservation area were ill-founded and the suggestion that the running of a refreshment boat was ultra vires our CIC was simply incorrect.

We now await a decision from the planning authority

  1. Council Building on Schofield Street

Cllr Janet Emsley held a meeting with a council officer last week. This was not the all party meeting which we had requested.

She had reported that the Schofield Street site was a bit complicated and part of a more strategic plan involving other assets.

She can’t see it being available for our boat anytime soon.

We had responded that as it was a public building and ideal for our community project it would be nice to have some transparency

The meeting then discussed alternative buildings. Julian Farnell will speak to the owner of a building close to his works and John Kay will make further enquiries about premises near Hare Hill House

  1. The Lady Alice


The meeting agreed that we have enough commitment with the refreshment boat project and so will pursue efforts to renovate the Lady Alice no further.


We will, however, keep a watch on how the council deal with this.

Akzo Nobel Site

Homes England have obtained the extension of the planning consent by constructing an access road as a meaningful start to the development

Homes England have now arranged the first consultation meeting to which Littleborough Civic Trust are invited later this month.


Date of Next Meetings   Tuesday 15th May 2018, Tuesday 19th June 2018 and 17th July 2018

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF