Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of 70th meeting on Tuesday 18 May 2010.


Minutes of 70th meeting on Tuesday 18 May 2010.

Present: Cllr Peter Evans (chairman), Cynthia Davis, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John Kershaw, Ken Rosbotham, Barbara Weatherley, Bob Weatherley, Barbara Tunstall, Roger Davis.

Apologies for absence: John F Kay.

1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 69) approved.
2. Matters Arising.
2.1 KHa advised he had sent an e-mail to JFK regarding Mechplant in Schofield St which concerned rights of way. Appears this had been referred to RMBC. Reply waited. BHol stated the situation was most unsatisfactory.
3. Tow Path Improvement.
3. 1 RD circulated the two lengthy e-mails dated 18 and 21April sent by Sue Day to numerous people so members were aware of these.
4 Durn Marina.
4.1 Further to correspondence enclosed with meeting 69 RD read out JFK e-mail of 30 April to Nick Smith of BW, his reply of 7 May to JFK, his reply of the same date to Nick Smith. The meeting fully endorsed the action taken by JFK.
5. Ealees.
5.1 RD advised the planning application for a temporary Portkabin café on this site had been called in by several parties and was due to be heard by the Pennines Township Planning Sub-committee on 2 June at their meeting in the Town Hall.
6. Any Other Business.
6.1 KHa advised there was a rumour that a developer was investigating the purchase of land in the Mechplant area and possibly that site to build houses; he could be interested in the area for the marina.
6.2 It was agreed the Waterways Trust event on 1 August and the Rochdale Canal meeting on 18 and 19 September be discussed at the next meeting. Both events are at the Summit site.
7. Next meetings. Tuesday 15 June and Tuesday 20 July. Both meetings at 19.30 h in United Reform Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF