Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of 77th meeting on 15th February 2011


Minutes of the 77th meeting held on Tuesday 15th February 2011.

Present: Councillor Peter Evans (Chairman), Iain S Gerrard, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John F Kay, John Kershaw & Susanne Wilson.

Apologies: Roger and Cynthia Davis & Barbara Tunstall

1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 76) were approved.

2. Matters Arising:
New Canal Committee: Both Peter Evans and John Kay reported that they were aware of no change over the previous month; the committee still had not been formulated nor had it met.
Mechplant: Peter Evans reported that he had approached an RMBC solicitor over the blockage of Schofield Street who had said he would look into the legality of the matter; Peter apologised for not having checked with the solicitor prior to this meeting for any report of progress. John Kay said he felt that rights of way existed and should be kept open. The ownership of the roadway was difficult to ascertain but he felt that there was an assumption in law that freehold owners owned to the centre of any adjacent road or access way.
Ealees Café: John Kay reported that the applicant had lost his appeal. Brian said that a new sign had appeared offering the site for let. Peter suggested that as the matter was finished it could be removed from future agendas.

3. Towpath:
There was no new information since last month.

4. Durn Marina:
John Kay reported that he was still attempting to deal with both Brierstone representatives and Peter Rowlinson; Brierstone in particular were being elusive and were not replying to emails.
As reported at the last committee meeting he had asked Peter Rowlinson for help with a feasibility study but had not had a definitive reply although Peter had offered to attend one of our meetings; John had suggested that he attend after the planning application had been lodged. Peter had said that he had met Brierstone and that they expected to put in an application within the next few weeks. It was suggested that Brierstone may try to purchase the land north of the Durn site presently owned by Middleton brothers.
John suggested that it might be necessary to create some form of feasibility study without Peter’s help in order to have something to show British Waterways by the date on which our expression of interest ran out.
Iain said that he felt it was not properly appreciated by the group how difficult this would be nor how expensive; he pointed to the study done last year for MoorEnd Trust by a professional company and which had cost well over £10000; it had also taken much more time than we had available without a further extension.
Brian offered to find out any useful information from those who had created the Baltimore Marina in Todmorden. John Kay also said he would contact Nicholas Hamilton to see if he could establish new contact with Andy Cogglan, the owner of the marina at Braunston and he would also try to obtain help from Carl West of British Waterways.

5. Invitation:
John reported receiving an invitation to visit them from Honnor Marine Ltd., boat builders of Miall Street in Rochdale; it was agreed that John try to arrange this.

6 Any Other Business:
John reported the renewal of the domain name for the group’s website. He also pointed out that the income was being exceeded by the expenditure.

7 Date of next meetings:
Tuesday 15th March 2011
Tuesday 19th April 2011
Tuesday 17th May 2011. Both John Kay and Iain gave their apologies for this date.
All begin at 7.30 pm in the United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF