Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of the 104th Meeting on 16th July 2013.


Minutes of the 104th Meeting on 16th July 2013.

Present: Peter Evans (Chairman), Barry Horner, John F Kay, John Kershaw, Keith Rowbotham, Cllr Ann Stott.

Apologies for absence: Roger Davis, Cynthia Davis, Helen Evans,

1. Minutes of last meeting (no 103) approved save that the action point at 5.3 was for Iain Gerrard not Peter Evans

2. Matters arising
2.1 the meeting to discuss the South Pennine Canal Festival was cancelled so there has been no progress with details as mentioned at 5.1

3. Durn Marina.
2.1 JFK advised that The Canal and River Trust has refused to renew our “expression of interest” again as we were still unable to put forward a feasibility proposal. We would have to start again when we had new proposals and pay agaion.
2.2 JFK advised that he was still in touch with Peter Rowlinson who was working with a proposed developer of the land at Durn which would include a Marina

4. Owls.
4.1 There is nothing further to report but JFK will try to put leaflets volunteers on the “Volunteers Stall” to be run by Peter Reed at the Rushbearing Festival

5. Akzo Site.
5.1 There is a suggestion that this area could be used as a large car park when the Tour De France comes to Littleborough on 6th and 7th July 2014.
5.2 John Kershaw reported a strange fire on the site last Tuesday 9th July 2013. The Fire Brigand could not gain access due to the Anti Travellers defences at the gates

6 Canal & River Trust. Rochdale Canal Society.
6.1 No details available

7. “Roch River Valley Park”
7.1 The meeting due to be held last Monday 15th July 2013 was postponed to a date to be fixed

8. Any Other Business.
8.1 JFK urged members to support the Littleborough Rush Bearing Festival this weekend
8.2 It was agreed that the LCDG would apply to be an affiliated member of the Littleborough Neighbourhood Forum once recruitment for membership was available

7. Next meetings: Tuesdays 20 August, 17 September and 15th October 2013. All meetings at 19.30h in the United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF