Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of the 157th meeting held 15th May 2018

Minutes of the 157th meeting held 15th May 2018 at Hare Hill House

Starting at 7.30pm


Present:  Julian Farnell, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, Ian Jackson, Bob Weatherly

Apologies: John Kay, Cllr Ann Stott, Keith Hallam

Minutes of the meeting on 17th April 2018 had been circulated and were approved.

Littleborough Civic Trust update

IJ reported that they have secured a meeting with Homes England regarding development of the former AKZO site.


In the absence of John Kay as treasurer of Littleborough Civic Trust no balance of monies was discussed.

Canal & River Trust

  1. No further update re volunteer schemes
  2. IJ informed those present that a boat rally, organised by Huddersfield Narrow Canal Society were to hold a rally; travelling from Manchester to Warland, culminating in festivities and also linking in with the Littleborough Rushcart Festival. 15th to 21st July. Further information on the event was also distributed with the Agenda and minutes. Another similar rally is planned for 2019 by another organisation.
  3. Anyone wishing to join the Littleborough Towpath Task Force should contact Ian Jackson on

Café Boat Scheme

It was understood that JFK has gained further information on the next steps; i.e., mooring fees etc., from C&RT.

IJ stated that he had discussed with Cllr Janet Emsley, the matter of renting space in the Schofield St. council building to enable refurbishment of the boat to begin. He was informed that any further efforts to acquire the same would be futile.

As such, the possibility of purchasing a ‘polytunnel’ was discussed along with JF stating he would still attempt to find suitable local vacant properties.

Date of Next Meetings: Tuesday 19th June 2018 and 17th July 2018

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF