Milnrow & Newhey Bridleways Group

AGM Minutes 2019

MNBG AGM Minutes - Sun 8th Dec 2019

Present: Gill Dixon (Chair), Nicola Tonge (Secretary), Claire Kierans (committee member), Lyn Beckett

Apologies: Tracy Davies, Diane Wood, Lou Emma, Jessica Howard, Lauren Lydia



Bank Balance £4070.45

Monies Raised: Subs £46, Co-op £3356.69

Monies Out: 2019 BHS affiliation (payable in April each year) £100; although at AGM 2018 decided to just pay £40 affiliation without the insurance cover, due to the Pass Wide & Slow Ride we paid the extra £60 so that we were covered.


Carr Lane & ROW budget

Co-op application was for Carr Lane as well as previous fundraising therefore NJT going to hand-over to Environmental Management at the Council at ROW forum on 12th December.  Committee decided on handing over £3500, leaving funds in the account to continue funding for Carr Lane, as further incentive to Council, for Land Registry enquiries and BHS affiliation if insufficient subs are received.


Wickenhall Upgrade Application

NJT has submitted the application & provided the ROW officer with Land Registry documents.  NJT thanked CK for all her hard work with dealing with the Land Registry and obtaining the titles.  New landowner at Wickenhall has verbally told a member doesn’t want it on the map but happy for local riders to ride through.  Landowner expressed wish to discuss with NJT but didn’t get in touch.  NJT went to see Julie about it to determine best way to proceed.  Landowner has been told if he can prove that private road sign has been there more than 20 years it negates our claim but for now she said let it proceed.  We have spent over £100 in Land Registry fees and a lot of time.


Firgrove Upgrade Applications

NJT has submitted application.  NJT thanked CK for all her hard work with dealing with the Land Registry and obtaining the titles. 



This started off as an enquiry regarding maintenance of tiger traps, however Julie Simpson pointed out that it wasn’t the Council’s responsibility as the bridleway, despite Pegasus crossing & signage, is not on Definitive Map (this was previously pointed out by chair of the original bridleways group but something NJT hadn’t followed up on until now).  After good site meeting NJT & LB had with Highways earlier this year, we are pushing them to get it on the map.  It may need dedication by landowner, but Rochdale Development Agency and the Council both state they are not landowner and claim the other is.  Basically, the route was out in as a bridleway when they built Kingsway but they neglected to carry out the legal process to put it on the Definitive Map.  We can’t claim it yet as we have only rode the complete new route for around 16 -17 years i.e. since it was opened and therefore need to wait a few more years until we can claim it on user evidence.  Therefore, NJT going to keep pushing Highways to claim it who have met with Julie Simpson but don’t see sure on how they’re going to do it.  So we just need to keep the pressure on.  GD reported that some plainings have been put down in the tiger traps though (something Highways said they would do).


Bridleway Gate Handles

A member had asked about a bridleway gate handle at Rough Bank Farm, after speaking to Julie Simpson about the possibility, NJT got quote (£30 a gate) so thought we could do a few at the same time.  NJT identified 3 gates (2 at Rough Bank & 1 at Deep Lane) and has spoken to the 2 landowners concerned who are happy.  NJT going to get a quote for fitting from Council contractor so not left up to landowner then we can get some funds together and possibly apply to Pennine Townships.  It was decided that we would get 5 straight gate handles (not trombone) and get quote for fitting all 5.


Woodmill Upgrade

Not heard anything so assume still with legals but it has been approved as bridleway.


Higher Ogden – Denshaw

The ROW officer has visited & admitted it needs repair which will require funding, although planned to apply to Pennine Townships this year, NJT has not got around to it yet.


Pass Wide & Slow Ride

This was well attended but was not a fundraiser.  We decided we would not do another this year as it did cost to get insurance cover.



NJT thanked LB who has laid wreath on behalf of MNBG for the last 3 years.



We decided to pay just for BHS affiliation this coming year (£40) as don’t do enough events to warrant the additional cost for insurance.



Subs to remain the same at £2 a year.

Contact Information

Milnrow & Newhey Bridleways Group

Meeting times

Meetings held 4 times a year