Milnrow & Newhey Bridleways Group


1. Carr Lane, Milnrow

Dangerous, extremely rocky terrain, slippy bedrock and overgrown trees at bottom

High level of works required to make fit for purpose


2.  Bridleway from Higher Ogden to Denshaw

In need of repair in several places to make it safe to ride


3. Bridleway at Firgrove playing field, Milnrow

Continous problem with overgrown bushes and vegetation and flytipping


4. Lane that leads off to Newhey from junction of Carr Lane and Newfield Head Lane, Milnrow

Detachment of sets

Medium level maintenance to make good & prevent further deterioration


5. Proposed Upgrades / Claims

7. Bridleways Book

To detail and map out all the popular routes and rides in our area

Contact Information

Milnrow & Newhey Bridleways Group

Meeting times

Meetings held 4 times a year