Citizens Advice Rochdale

How we can help

Our service is free, confidential and open to everyone in the community. Our staff are trained to give information on virtually any issue, including:

Welfare Benefits
Money Problems
Consumer Rights
Neighbourhood Disputes
Education and Healthcare
Immigration and Residency Issues
Human Rights
Family and Personal Issues

We won't tell you what to do but we will arm you with all the facts and possible outcomes of different options to allow you to make the decision that's right for you. If needed, we can also offer additional support through casework.

Rochdale District Citizens Advice Bureau currently does not offer a drop-in service - first contact is by telephone on 0808 278 7803. Opening hours 8.30am - 5.30pm.

Contact Information

Citizens Advice Rochdale

Tel: 0808 278 7803

Where we are

(click to zoom)