Rochdale Judo Club

Club Hours & Our Team at Rochdale Judo Club

Club Hours

Monday           Seniors 7.00 till 8.30

Tuesday          Under 8yrs Juniors 6.00 till 6.45

                        Over 8yrs Juniors 6.45 till 7,45

Wednesday     Juniors 6.00 till 7.00 No-gi judo

                         Seniors 7.30 till 9.00 No-gi judo

Thursday         Seniors 7.00 till 8.30

Friday               Over 8yrs Juniors 6.30 till 7.30 

Our Team

Our Coaching Team is led by the Club Chairman, Warren Schofield, 7th Dan. Behind every successful Club is a dedicated Coaching Team and Rochdale Judo Club is no exception – the Seniors section is headed up by Warren Schofield (Club Chairman, 7th Dan) Dave Duffy (Club Secretary, 6th Dan) and Maurice Clarke (Club President, 5th Dan) Debbie Schofield (1st Dan) and Frank Chatburn (2nd Dan) are also part of the Seniors Coaching Team.

We have Dave Duffy 6th Dan Level 3 Coach, Debbie Schofield 4th Dan Jiu-Jitsu and 1st Dan Level 1 Coach and Daisy Winter 1st Kyu Level 1 Coach, working in the Juniors Section. The Juniors section is co-ordinated by ex Primary School Headteacher Eddie Thomas 4th Dan. Dave Duffy has joined us to help build up the Juniors Section at RJC with regard to BJA Membership, the British Judo Grading system, and also our involvement in local competitions.


PLEASE NOTE We are always looking to expand our coaching team. Interested? Please enquire on 01706 869818 (Seniors) or 07783109098 (Juniors)


Michelle Williams is our Club Welfare Officer. She also sorts out the mat fees and keeps the RJC Membership Files in order. She is a welcome addition to the Team. Her contact number is: 07964 281607


Warren Schofield, Club Chairman.


Dave Duffy, RJC Committee Secretary.


Maurice Clarke, Club President


Debbie Schofield, Coach


Frank Chatburn, Coach


Daisy Winter Juniors Coach


Eddie Thomas, Juniors Coach


Michelle Williams, Club Welfare Officer.








Contact Information

Rochdale Judo Club

Trafalgar Street
OL16 2EB

Tel: 01706 869818

Mobile: 07527 861 928

Where we are

(click to zoom)