Rochdale Loves Small Business

Sponsor: Rochdale Online

Rochdale Online

The Rochdale Online web site was established in 1998 and covers Heywood, Littleborough, Middleton and Rochdale. Since that time the web site has grown substantially into a massive, hugely popular site attracting around 160,000 unique visitors a month (certified statistics are available).

The major sections of the site are: News & Features, Business listings, Property, Jobs, Events, Community Groups, Competitions.

The network is owned by Rochdale Online Ltd.

The site has over 300 advertisers, small and large, local, regional and national taking the opportunity to very successfully reach a huge audience at a fraction of the price demanded by the print media.

For more information about advertising your business on Rochdale Online and our rate card follow this link:  

Contact us now on 01706 523583 or email about how Rochdale Online can help you reach thousands of new potential customers.


Rochdale Online provides FREE websites for groups and organisations in the Borough of Rochdale. We currently sponsor over 800 local groups and organisations.

Free Community Websites

Help your group or organisation gain extra exposure and publicity by applying for a FREE web site.

Community web sites from Rochdale Online are available to charities, voluntary groups and not-for-profit organisations including sports teams or clubs.

Rochdale Online community web sites are easy to use, with eight colour schemes to choose from.

If your group or organisations would like a free web site please email 

Contact Information

Rochdale Loves Small Business