The Friends of Beech House


Parent/teacher association run by the parents of the children at Beech House School. We raise monies for social activies for the children and for activites and items within the School. We are always looking for volunteers to help with functions and donations of time, services and items.

Next meeting

Tuesday 5th December 2006, 7pm at Broadfield Stile premises.

School Uniform Sale

Monday10th and Tuesday 11th October at Lower Prep Building, Broadfield Stile. 8-15am til 9am and 3-15pm until 4-15pm each day.

Dates for your Diary
Friday 8th December - School Christmas Disco.

Thursday 14th December - Lower Prep Christmas Party.

School Raffles drawn on Wednesday 13th December in each school office.

There is more in the pipeline, come along to meetings and find out first!!

Letters will be sent out in good time with all details about individual events.

It has been another successful term for the Friends of Beech House. We had our AGM in October, which was not as well attended as we had hoped. All the existing committee agreed to continue in their various capacities for a further year. At the meeting the Treasurer’s report showed that we had almost trebled the bank balance from the previous AGM, in addition to having lots of activities throughout the previous academic year. As a result of this success the Friends of Beech House have offered Mr Sartain the sum of £1000 towards helping equip the new hall. The staff have been asked to consider how they would like this money spent. We have also assisted Mrs Durrans to purchase instruments for the Music department in order to increase the range of instruments that can be taught.

By the time you read this newsletter, the school disco, end of term raffle, lower prep party, and distribution of the Friends of Beech House selection boxes will have taken place. We hope that they will all have been as successful as last year and if the continued generosity of parents is to be relied on, the amounts raised will be very pleasing and a good time will have been had into the bargain.

The first Winter Fayre we have held was a staggering success, and the donations by parents are a big contributing factor to the success of all our events. £750 is a fantastic sum and the committee were thrilled with the result. We shall now make the Winter Fayre a regular date each year. I must take this opportunity to personally thank all those who turned up on the day to help run stalls and set up and clear up afterwards. Your help is invaluable and we rely on it so much. Of course we don’t want to forget those who come and support us by spending their money. It was great to see the children all enjoying themselves so much. The school choir and musician were a great addition to the occasion.
The uniform sales continue to be successful. We still need parents to give us their old good condition uniform. Please don’t give us shirts as we find they are the one item that does not sell, but everything else.….pass it on.

The next meeting is early January. Please check the notice boards for the date, we really want to see more parents coming to meetings. We need lots of ideas as well as support, and it has been lovely this last year to find about 4 more staunch supporters who regularly attend meetings.

Our thanks continue to go to Mr Sartain, Miss Haigh, Mrs Grange, Mrs Hortop, Mrs Shafiq and Mrs Durrans for their support. We would also like to thank Joe and Ray (caretakers) for all their help.

A very happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy 2007 to you all.

Alison Unwin Chairman

Julie Hilton Vice Chairman

Heather Preston Treasurer

Nicki Smith-Butler Secretary

Contact Information

The Friends of Beech House

Broadfield Stile
Off Drake Street