Town Centre Chaplaincy

Becoming a CHAPLAIN



“An ever listening ear and a welcome hug and a prayer when they are most needed - An invaluable service.” YMCA


#STOP PRESS # You are invited to our "Come & Explore" Chaplaincy evening

7.30pm ~ THURSDAY 29th MARCH at Thrum Hall Church

Chaplains are drawn from a variety of local churches and are motivated by their Christian faith to care for all people and communities. They are not there to preach but to offer care, comfort, encouragement and a listening ear, especially in these very stressful and uncertain economic times.
    Our chaplains make regular visits, in agreement with shop employers, to provide a listening ear to any employee who would like to talk to them. They do not provide a formal counselling service but are complementary to other professionals and services. They are independent from the organisation they are visiting and maintain confidentiality at all times. Gratifyingly, we have been warmly welcomed and have the support of The Exchange & Wheatsheaf Shopping Centre managements and our Rochdale Town Council.

If you feel called to give just a couple of hours a week to this very important ministry then please ...
CALL Margaret on (01706) 646566

Contact Information

Town Centre Chaplaincy

Meeting times

 Psalm 121

" comes from The LORD,

the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

He who watches over you ....

will neither slumber nor sleep."


You can also find us and chat to us on our Facebook page:

See you there :)