Your Payroll

PA Finder (KDC Connections)

KDC Connections is a self-help resource founded by Knowsley Disability Concern (KDC) to connect Individual Employers and Personal Assistants to fulfil outstanding vacancies.


This has a section for the Rochdale Area where Employers seeking Personal Assistants and Personal Assistants seeking work can connect.


The site has access to the latest guides and information from Skills for Care to help individual employers to manage their personal assistants.


The site is easy to use – all you need to do is register and you will have access to pa’s looking for work and individual employers looking for pa’s to assist them in their assessed needs.


You can request a user guide by email before you register, should you wish to.

Contact Information

Your Payroll

Tel: 0151 949 5442

Meeting times

Monday- Friday 9.00am-5.00pm

Where we are

(click to zoom)