
Advertorials on Rochdale Online

An advertorial is an advertisement in the form of an editorial or news article displayed in the News section of Rochdale Online .

Your advertorial will be displayed on the home page of the site for seven days and promoted via our social media accounts (over 12,500 Twitter followers and over 35,000 Facebook page followers). We also include your advertorial in our weekly eNewsletter which is emailed to over 4,300 addresses.

Advertorials are also promoted in the side bar of the news section of the site (desktop layout) and alongside stories in the news headlines (mobile layout) for 7 days.

Rochdale Online currently averages over 168,000 unique visitors a month to the site (average number of visitors in 2024 to date). In 2023 site visitors generated over 5.8 million page views.

The article will remain online even once it moves off the home page, so you can be sure that your details will continue to be indexed by the search engines.

Advertorials are very flexible and give you excellent scope to talk about what you do with relevant photos or images and your contact details including a link to your web site. They can be written by yourself, your PR agency or by our news team.

Whether you are promoting a new venture, new product launch, special offer or an event, an advertorial on Rochdale Online is the perfect way to shout about your business.

The fee for an advertorial is just £330 +VAT.

For more information

Call now on 01706 523583 or email today.

Or, complete our enquiry form and we'll call you back.

Why add Rochdale Online to your marketing mix? Rochdale Online currently has over 159K unique visitors a month and averages 640K page views per month (certified statistics are available). Your advert is displayed in front of more and more local consumers and service users.

Whilst our web sites page views are growing, local and regional newspaper circulation is decreasing. According to figures issued in February 2023 by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (, paid-for weekly newspapers in the borough have recorded an average 87% fall in circulation since 2010.

For example, the average weekly circulation of the Rochdale Observer (Saturday edition) in 2010 was 17,392. In 2022, the average weekly circulation was 2,460. (Source: Audit Burea of Circulations:

View some previously published advertorials



"Great advertorial and much less expensive than traditional advertising. Traffic to my website trebled in the 1st week as it reached audiences I previously found it difficult to market. Thank you to Pauline and the team."

John Byrne,
Junction 21

Advertorial: Junction 21 trebles turnover