This is an important message to all members or future members of
Heywood Bowling Club Ltd
The membership fees for 2024 are to be paid this year by the end of this month 31 January 2024
The appointed accountants Greengrass Accountants Ltd will have to supply Companies House with details of all shareholders (members) who are fully paid up by this date
Any member who has previously paid a £5 share in the Ltd company will lose their share and membership if membership subscriptions are not paid before the list is forwarded to companies house
A member losing a share will have to go through the membership procedure again in order to rejoin and pay the £5 share fee
At the recent AGM (Annual General Meeting) held in November 2023 it was decided by member vote that the membership also be raised by £5 in each membership category in order to assist maintenance funding and substantial running costs
As a result, the cost of the 2024 membership will be as follows:
Current member under 65yrs was £25 pa
now £30 pa
Current member over 65 was £12.50 pa
now £17.50 pa
New member under 65 was £25 pa plus one off £5 share = £30.
now £30 pa plus one off share £5 = £35
New member over 65 was £12.50 pa plus one off £5 share = £17.50.
now £17.50 pa plus one off share £5 = £22.50
Payment can be made by cash or debit card payable at the bar till during opening hours,
Please be aware that membership is based on an individual basis and that a member’s partner and family members etc must join in their own right
The situation over membership has been a headache to implement in the past and these measures are an attempt to streamline and improve the membership process
The electronic gate pass card issued to members to allow access to the club will be deactivated if a member has not paid their subscription by the end of January 2024
Please do your very best to pay membership by the due date in order to avoid disappointment
Nev White