Rochdale Inner Wheel Club

How does it work?


The four levels of organisation sound very formal. In fact, from day to day what matters to club members is the business of their particular club and interactions with other local clubs.   International Inner Wheel is one of the world's biggest women's organisations with a conference three yearly at which all countries are represented.  Recent conferences have been in Sweden, New Zealand and Malaysia.  Every club votes for international officers.

National associations hold an annual conference each year to discuss how Inner Wheel works in their country.

Each district has its own executive committee  with regular meetings which all members of clubs in the district can attend to discuss local policy and vote in members.  Rochdale Inner Wheel is part of District 128 which covers Oldham to Warrington.  The districts elect members of the national association.

The important bit: each club has its own executive committee recruited from the membership which can recommend activities for fund raising and social meetings.  But the final decisions are made by the members.



Contact Information

Inner Wheel Club of Rochdale

Meeting times

We meet every 4th Wednesday of the month for a meal followed by the formal meeting, including fund raising planning and often a speaker. 6.30pm for 7.00 pm for a meal then the meeting at the Royal Toby.

We have four Executive meetings a year. A monthly Book Club and a Craft Club.

Secretary  Nichola Helliwell
