Piethorne Valley


Bluebell Wood
2.5 miles (4.5km)

A medium length walk which shows how the water gathering grounds are also used for farming, recreation and nature conservation.

This route follows waymarked public footpaths, and is a medium difficulty walk. Stout footwear is recommended for this route.

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1.5 miles (2.5km)

A short walk through farmland and moorland looking at farming and industrial practices both past and present.

This route follows waymarked public footpaths, and is a medium difficulty walk. Stout footwear is recommended for this route.

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Ogden Edge
3.5 miles (5.5km)

A walk through a traditional Pennine hill village, leading to open moorland before returning to the shelter of the valley.
High level reservoirs, farming and traditional stone buildings are all features of interest.

This route follows waymarked public footpaths, and is a medium difficulty walk. Stout footwear is recommended for this route.

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Contact Information

Piethorne Valley

Waterworks Road
OL16 3TD

Where we are

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