Can you help local mothers in need?

Date published: 13 June 2018

Do you have any unwanted toiletries and baby items that would be perfect for a new mother in need?

If so, Reuse Littleborough would like your unwanted goods for their new ‘life box’ project to provide new or expectant mothers in desperate need with crucial items to get started in their new stage of life.

Donated through professional care givers such as midwives and nurses, the boxes contain essential items for a new mother and her child, such as nappies, baby clothes and soft toys and various toiletries.

Michael Bamford, who runs the group, said: “The fantastic nurses in the maternity unit at Royal Oldham Hospital will identify new mothers that are maybe leaving hospital with very little or even nothing for mum and baby. The Reuse Littleborough life box is a starter pack to help them as they leave.

“It contains items from our mother and baby centre that our generous members have donated to us, and some items shown have been bought from takings in our shop.

“If you have anything left over from your new arrival, please pass them on to us.”

Reuse Littleborough aim to reuse many unwanted items that would otherwise end up in the bin for no good reason and operates a shop selling surplus items, plus a new mother and baby resource centre, stocked with prams, clothing and shoes for babies of all ages, plus carry seats and various toys to help new and expectant mothers in need who have very little.

Since its inception, the group has helped change the lives of many people both locally and internationally with your old items that have been kept out of landfill.

Donations for the boxes can be dropped off at the group’s premises at Stevenson Square on Saturdays between 10am and 4pm.

Local collections can also be arranged.

To find out more, contact Michael:
07951 730 458

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