James Bond themed ball raises £5,000

Date published: 16 May 2013

Staff from HSBC Rochdale and neighbouring branches within Bolton held a James Bond inspired 007 Charity Ball in aid of The Child and Family Connect Centre, Rochdale, on Saturday 4 May. The event, at Rochdale Town Hall, raised £5,000 to help the local charity.

Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk and his wife Karen and Mayoress James and Jane Gartside were amongst the 280 guests.

At the black and white themed night guests were treated to a Champagne reception on arrival, a three course dinner, table gifts and entertainment from local band Bright Sparks and singer Mr Cole Page.

Lisa O'Shea, Retail Branch Manager for HSBC Rochdale, said: “A fabulous evening was had by all. I am very proud to have been part of such a splendid event."

As well as fundraising events including a raffle and an auction, local photographer Graham Sivills of Norden Studio, donated £200 to the charity. Graham was also on hand during the night giving guests the opportunity to be photographed.

Lisa added: “It was great to see the community come together in support of such a worthy cause.”

Rochdale Child & Family Connect is a children's charity which supports children of estranged families, in a nurturing environment. The charity is run by volunteers, with little or no funding.

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