
Local Election 2018

Michael  O'Brien

Michael O'Brien

UK Independence Party
West Heywood Ward

9 Unity Close
OL10 3DN

My name is Michael O’Brien I am honoured to be selected to be standing as your UKIP candidate for West Heywood. I am born and bred in Heywood and currently live on the Broadfield estate.

I know the area well I have worked not just in the Heywood also around the Rochdale Borough. Growing up in Heywood I have seen it deteriorate from a once thriving prosperous Borough town of statue to a second rate township of Rochdale. And like me, so many feel that Heywood has been neglected not getting a fair share of the council budget

We need to clear out self serving politicians not only within local government but national too, or the same players with the same revamped policies will create and prolong the same problems. We are not being represented by them, Heywood voted leave in Brexit.

So on the 3rd of may vote for me to be your local councillor to fully represent you in the Rochdale Borough Council. This will help to start a new era in bringing much needed change to Heywood


My priorities for West Heywood are;


Council tax should be as low as possible whilst protecting essential services.

It is important that we maintain the care for our elderly and vulnerable adult services


Councils should cut highly paid council executives, not front-line staff and services.

I fully support the UKIP view to cut the number of councillors by at least a third as currently we all have to tighten our belts with austerity. We cannot allow £1million to be spent on councillor’s allowances when service provision is being cut. We need to fund our services as such we also need to ensure that any expense is justified to our community who are footing the bill, it’s your money not theirs.


Transport, maintain our roads.

We all noticed no soon as they have layer the road surface that potholes appear this is not just a local problem but national. Why? Try the EU directive that prevents the UK using too much bitumen. According to the EU this natural hydrocarbons will get into our water system. Less bitumen used results in substandard road surfaces. And this practice costs the taxpayer more, due to the high maintenances.  Potholes are the evidence to this.

Heywood transport is lacking, unlike Rochdale and Bury who have a tram system. I would like to look into using the East Lancs Railway to connect Heywood to the tram system.


EU Land fill Directives to cut refuse disposal costs.

Ever notice the bin collections from once a week to every three weeks. Again, the EU directive kicks in at local level this is not just a local issue but national one too. This directive prevents the local council from collecting over their lot weight in refuse, over this weight means serious fines and that means the taxpayer pay, and increases in the council tax.


Local homes should be for local people and veterans first.

The demand of housing comes down to the rise of the population and that is not always local. Priority should be given to local people first. This increase has pushed the demand for land and the council of Rochdale sees fit to build on our Green belt. UKIP are for finding brown field sites before considering building on green belt. And has a UKIP councillor would stand up for the people in areas who have fought against the undemocratic decisions to go ahead with building on green sites in the borough.


Independent public inquiry into the sexual abuse cases within Rochdale and why it failed the victims.

To fight to reinstate education and help centres to help sexually abused victims. In the past the council have closed these centres down. These were vital centres to help those who have been sexually abuse within the borough.

Local Election 2018
