
Local Election 2019

Nigel William Sarbutts

Nigel William Sarbutts

Liberal Democrat Party
Norden Ward


Let’s Rebuild Some Pride in Rochdale

Are you as fed as up as I am with negative headlines about Rochdale? I want to take the fight to Labour in the Council Chamber with a clear set of priorities to revitalise the Borough.


A Positive Plan for Norden and Rochdale:

A Plan for the Housing Rochdale Needs

Continue the fight against unwanted greenbelt development. We will reverse Labour’s focus on building executive houses on greenbelt & prioritise affordable and social homes on brownfield and in the town centre.

A Plan to Revitalise Rochdale Centre

A bold, urban living plan to attract young professionals to create a new retail economy in the town centre.

A radical re-think of Rochdale Market with a realistic offer to traders and shoppers

A Plan to Fight Crime – 32 New Coppers

We will make sure the extra £18m raised on Council Taxes by Andy Burnham must be spent on frontline officers.

A Plan to Boost Rochdale Business

Ensure Rochdale Council ramps up its own spending with local companies by breaking down spending into contracts that smaller companies can win and deliver a business property strategy to free-up new brownfield sites.

A Plan to Protect the Environment

We will tackle flytipping by bringing back free bulky waste collection to cut the problem at source, freeing up resources to tackle major environmental risks.

A Plan for Better Transport.

We will protect publicly funded buses, particularly in rural edges of the Borough and fight for double trams & trains at peak to/from Manchester.

A Plan for Education & Youth

We will prioritise youth services to allow young people to grow, develop and reach their potential in a safer, revitalised Rochdale.


I’m a business owner so I know what it means to take responsibility and deliver on promises. I’ve lived in this ward for over 20 years and raised my family here. This is my home and I will fight to protect it and improve it.

Let’s get on with the job.

Local Election 2019
