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Political Parties


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Rochdale Liberal Democrats

144 Drake Street, Town Centre, Rochdale, OL16 1PS

Conservative Association Heywood & Middleton

32a Long Street, Middleton, M24 6UQ

Conservative Party

938 Oldham Road, Rochdale, OL11 2BN

UKIP Constituency Office Rochdale

1b Milkstone Road, Rochdale, OL11 1ED

UKIP Constituency Office Heywood

27 Market Place, Heywood, OL10 1LA



"Thank you to the Rochdale Online staff for continuing to support me and spread the news of my role around the borough. You help me to show that I am always calling on different people and learning new information about the organisations I visit daily. My role is about encouraging, motivating, supporting and inspiring others and I hope I inspire others as I go along too."

Mayor Mohammed Zaman, 10 July 2018
Mayor Mohammed Zaman

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