
Local Community Groups

Over 760 local groups and organisations listed and growing... Add yours


Rochdale Online provides FREE websites for groups and organisations in the Rochdale area. Presently we have 768 local groups in our database.

Use the search form above to find details of groups in your area, or simply browse the full lists:



Your Community, Your Website

Screenshot of a Community website

Help your group or organisation gain extra exposure and publicity by applying for a FREE web site.

You can choose from several professional, search engine-friendly themes. Every community website comes with a fully-featured Content Management system, as many pages as you want, and user-friendly photo galleries.

Get Yours Now!


Featured Community Websites


"I just wanted to contact Rochdale Online to say how much I enjoy visiting the site and reading the stories each morning. They're always well-written and carefully researched, and there's always something new to read up on.

Well done on curating such a good site, and thanks for keeping it constantly updated!

Aurora Johnson