
Rochdale Town Centre Business Awards 2010/2011 - Employee of the Year

Nominee: Stuart Hallworth

  • Town Centre Business Awards

    Town Centre Business Awards

Organisation: Pacific
Nominated by: Martyn Turner, Owner

Stuart joined the company in 2004 and since then has gained various trade qualification such as BII grades 1-3, first aid certificates, SIA qualification, and personal license qualification.

He is currently the DPS for Pacific (Designated Premises Supervisor) which carries great official and social responsibility and requires individuals to work in harmony with other official bodies such as the Police and Council
Stuart shows great empathy towards the public and fellow staff.

His work ethic is unrestrained and he is always looking for ways to better the experience of the customer towards a safer and more memorable night out.

Stuart is highly regarded by his co-workers for his willingness to help anybody at any time.

Stuart is dedicated to helping customers with taxis, lost belongings, overindulgence, and their general wellbeing and safety at the end of a night out.

He has shown great flair and detail with regard to current and changing legislation within our trade.

He has been instrumental is helping the business to secure Best Bar None Accreditation, gaining Pacific runner-up in Best Bar/Club category 2010.

Stuart is a credible asset to the business, particularly for his way in dealing with the public.


Voting Finished

Voting for this feature ended on 27 April 2011.

Thank you for your interest.

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