
Local Election 2012

Peter E Evans

Conservative Party
Littleborough Lakeside Ward

I want to thank the people in the Littleborough Lakeside Ward for giving me the privilege of representing them over the years. At times, ward work can sometimes be challenging but this always adds to its interest and makes it so enjoyable when a satisfying outcome is reached.

By nature, I confess to being a person who prefers to be positive: I try to avoid the negative side of politics - it doesn't really achieve anything. I still have the same enthusiasm for driving improvements forward and I can't envisage a time when that feeling will ever diminish.

In the present age, we all know that there is no room for complacency. These are testing times and it is vitally important to keep essential services running smoothly and efficiently.

One of my prime motives has always been to support the groups that come together to campaign and work for everybody in the ward. They are a vital life blood without which we would all be so much poorer - we have a rich variety of organisations in Littleborough that work all the year round. They all deserve supporting and providing them with help when needed gives me a great sense of personal satisfaction and pleasure.

Individuals are no less important of course and I always try to be prompt and practical at all times while giving each case the assurance of confidentiality when appropriate.

I hope to be elected to continue the work of being a ward councillor and if I am given that honour, I will strive to maintain a high level of commitment.

Local Election 2012
